Artificial Intelligence

Object Detection

We developed a powerful object detection application that leverages advanced computer vision technology to identify and track objects in images and videos. This application is designed to meet a variety of needs, from security systems to self-driving vehicles, and offers a wide range of practical applications.


Tech Stack

Our object detection application is built on a robust technology stack, including:

  • Operating System: Windows
  • Programming Languages: Python, C++
  • Frameworks: Darknet, YOLOv4
  • Computer Vision Library: OpenCV

Using the YOLO algorithm, specifically YOLOv4, our application can detect objects in near real-time.


Our Use Case

In our specific implementation, we trained our object detection model on a custom dataset of TV, monitor, and laptop screens. The application successfully detects all screens present in the frame. Using advanced image processing techniques, we can replace the detected screen images with custom images or videos, creating a dynamic and engaging experience for users.


Real-World Applications

Our object detection application has numerous practical applications, including:

  • Face Detection and Recognition: Enhancing security systems and user authentication processes.
  • Self-Driving Cars: Detecting pedestrians, vehicles, and traffic signs to ensure safe navigation.
  • Robotics: Allowing robots to recognize and interact with objects in their environment.
  • Object Tracking and Counting: Monitoring traffic flow or counting individuals in various settings.


Contact us today to learn how we can help your business leverage this powerful application for a wide range of use cases.


Object Detection

  • Strategy

    Object Detection, YOLOv8

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