AI-Powered Software


Lytics is an advanced smart news monitoring system designed to provide real-time alerts based on your selected topics. Whether you are tracking developments in specific industries, following political news, or monitoring social media trends, Lytics ensures you stay informed with timely updates.



  • Web Application: A user-friendly platform for accessing news alerts and managing preferences.
  • Hybrid Mobile Applications: Access news on-the-go with our mobile-friendly applications.


Tech Stack

  • MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js for a seamless web experience.
  • AWS: Cloud infrastructure for scalable and reliable service.
  • REST APIs: Efficient communication between the front-end and back-end services.
  • Flutter: Framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile.
  • Python (AI, ML): Leveraging AI and machine learning for intelligent news monitoring and analysis.


User Roles

  • System Administrator: Manages metadata lifecycle, work assessments, and generates reports.
  • Data Curators:
    • Clipper: Oversees overall media management, especially clipping relevant news.
    • QC: Maintains and improves the quality of media content.
    • Marker: Revises and updates existing media for accuracy.
    • Compiler: Compiles and updates media, escalating it to consumers.
  • Data Consumers:
    • Reviewer: Reviews media content, shares insights, and manages reports.
    • Client: Manages existing media, handles clipping, sharing, and reporting.


Product Functions

Lytics aggregates news from various sources, ensuring comprehensive coverage:

  • TV: All types of news from television media.
  • Online: News from various online platforms.
  • Print: Articles and reports from print media.
  • Website: News from blogs and websites.
  • Social: Updates from social media platforms.


Real-World Applications

  • Corporate Monitoring: Track news related to competitors and market trends.
  • Crisis Management: Receive alerts on potential crises affecting your organization.
  • Brand Monitoring: Keep tabs on brand mentions and public sentiment.
  • Political Tracking: Monitor political developments and public opinion.
  • Media Analysis: Analyze news coverage and its impact on public perception.

Lytics empowers users with the tools to stay ahead of the news curve, ensuring they receive the most relevant information tailored to their interests. Contact us today to learn how Lytics can enhance your news monitoring capabilities!


Artificial Intelligence

  • Design

    Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

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